Monday, October 23, 2006

The Bucks Stops Here

...why would consumers trust its taste in books and films any more than they’d trust, say, Simon & Schuster’s taste in Ethiopia Gemadro Estate decaf?

The Starbucks Phenomenon is the defining cultural movement of the last ten years. It has made an even greater impact than Bubblegum Punk. That's why this is something we all have to discuss, and by "all" I mean Americans aged 18 - 28.

Americans older or younger can feel free to comment too. Or foreign-born people, for that matter. The age perameters are intended to reflect the age of supposed cultural influencers who I hope can explain, among other things, why Starbucks is so influencial.

Starter questions:

1) What is Starbucks really selling?

2) What makes Starbucks attractive to so many "intelligent" people?

3) What can we as artists/musicians/writers genuinely learn from Starbucks and The Starbucks Phenomenon, or are they the exact antithesis of our being?

4) Under what circumstance is the purchase of cultural items (books, music, etc) not "consumerist" in nature?

5) (loaded question) Why are we not laughing?

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